Parenting has changed over the years, with many African parents adopting modern styles influenced by Western culture. While change is inevitable, some parenting methods have led to children losing respect for their elders. Today, we see more African children openly insulting their parents, something that was once unheard of. This shift is worrying because, in the long run, it may lead to a failed society.
The Influence of Western Culture
Many African children today grow up in environments that blend African and Western values. Some move to Western countries at an early age, while others are raised by parents who embrace modern parenting techniques. While exposure to different cultures can be positive, it also brings challenges.
In traditional African society, respect for parents and elders was a fundamental value. However, in Western culture, independence and freedom of speech are highly encouraged. This has led some African children to adopt behaviors that go against their cultural upbringing. They feel entitled to challenge their parents publicly, sometimes even humiliating them online.
Parents Have Stopped Being Parents
One of the biggest problems with modern parenting is that many parents want to be their children’s friends rather than authority figures. They fear disciplining their kids because they do not want to be seen as “strict” or “old-fashioned.” Instead of correcting bad behavior, they tolerate it in the name of modernity.
When a child grows up without clear boundaries, they assume they can do whatever they want, even at the expense of their parents’ dignity. If a child is not taught the value of respect at home, they will not show it in public.
The Rise of Social Media Disrespect
Social media has made it easier for children to express themselves, but it has also given them a platform to disrespect their parents. It is now common to see young Africans posting insults about their parents online. This is not just a result of cultural exposure but also of poor parenting.
Many parents do not monitor their children’s social media use. They do not guide them on what is acceptable and what is not. Without this guidance, children begin to believe that they have the right to say whatever they want, regardless of the consequences.
Lack of Discipline and Entitlement
Discipline is an essential part of raising responsible children. However, many modern parents believe that discipline is “too harsh” and might “damage” a child’s confidence. As a result, they avoid punishing their children, even when they behave badly.
The outcome? Entitled children who believe they are above correction. These children grow up expecting everything to be handed to them and see their parents as equals rather than authority figures. They have no sense of gratitude for what their parents have done for them, and they see no problem in disrespecting them.
The Consequences of a Failed Parenting System
When parents fail to raise respectful children, the entire society suffers. A generation that lacks discipline and respect will struggle to build strong families and communities. If children do not respect their parents, how will they respect teachers, employers, or even the law?
Without discipline and respect, society will be full of individuals who act without considering the consequences of their actions. This will lead to broken families, increased crime, and a lack of moral values in future generations.
The Way Forward: Raising Responsible and Respectful Children
It is not too late for parents to take back their role as authority figures in their children’s lives. Here are some steps they can take:
- Set Boundaries Early – Children should be taught from a young age that there are limits to what they can say and do. They should know that certain behaviors are unacceptable.
- Discipline with Love – Discipline is not the same as abuse. Parents should correct their children firmly but with love, ensuring they understand the importance of respect.
- Teach Cultural Values – African values such as respect for elders should not be lost in the name of modernity. Parents should pass down these values to their children.
- Monitor Social Media Use – Parents should be aware of what their children post online and guide them on responsible social media use.
- Lead by Example – Children learn by watching their parents. Parents should also show respect in their own actions and words.
Modern parenting has brought many changes, but not all of them are positive. If African parents do not step up and guide their children properly, we will have a generation that lacks discipline and respect. A society that allows children to insult their parents publicly is on a dangerous path.
It is time for parents to stop being afraid of disciplining their children. Respect must be taught, enforced, and valued. Only then can we raise a generation that upholds the values that have sustained African societies for centuries.
Read More: Modern Parenting