
Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions of usage of this website are listed and explained here below

  1. User Responsibilities:
    • Users must provide accurate and truthful information when creating listings.
    • Users are responsible for the content they post, ensuring it complies with all applicable laws and does not infringe on the rights of others.
    • Prohibit the posting of illegal or prohibited items/services.
  2. Intellectual Property:
    • Users retain ownership of the content they submit but grant the website a license to display and promote the content.
    • Strictly prohibit the use of copyrighted material without proper authorization.
  3. Privacy and Data Security:
    • User data is collected, used, and protected but not shared with any third party.
    • Personal information will not be sold or shared with third parties without user consent.
    • This website uses of cookies and similar technologies, and provide information on how users can manage their preferences.
  4. Termination of Services:
    • Rc-Connect (website) Reserves the right to suspend or terminate user accounts for violations of terms and conditions.
    • Reach out to the Admins of this website in case of any communications from the site admins for clarifications.
    • In case of termination of account, User has right for appealing or challenging a termination if he/she can prove wrongful termination of his account.
  5. Dispute Resolution:
    • Forward your complaints in a detailed email to the administration of the website (rc-conexion.xyz) and your matter will be resolved in 5 working days of the week.